Monday, August 29, 2011


Juj: In Burkais: Juliet, Juju, or Juj (joooj), is the godess of "ge". Known for smiles, pointing, infinite facial expressions and endless belly laughter. Has special talents in kissing (mwah!), running, jumping, climbing and the defining factor: laughing when told "NO".

Juj is known to be ruthless in business (will only trade a toy for an equal or better toy). As Ruler of the Universe - she has been known to tear empires apart (when she doesn't get her way). With beauty, grace, an IRON fist and keen intution.. she is the one and only Princess of the Kingdom of BURKA.


"Irene," means "Peace". At least to some... A hurricane about to strike, I spent the better part of 11 hours warning Jax of the dangers of venturing outside during a hurricane... especially one named "Irene". (See the thing is... I already know a hurricane named "Irene" - see left).

After varied conversations about falling trees, crazy winds and flying branches - I took Jax to bed. But not without the usual forty-five minutes of banter. "Mommy, flying branches can't get me" (because I'm a superhero). "Mommy Irene is bad? evybody ok?"

But the one, THAT MADE MAMA's day, was the one that summed up my feelings on the matter exactly:

"Mommy, may I put my raincoat on and jump in the puddles?"

I'm quite certain there are people that didn't fare as well as we did in this storm. At the end of the night... after sleepy talks about giant puddles and colossal raindrops on our heads, we said: "Pease god, make sure evybody OK".