Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Day in the Life

Good Morning!
  • Wake up immediately going over the day ahead in my mind - are there any changes to the normal schedule? i.e Dr.'s appointments, story time, business dinners, etc..
  • If monsters are still asleep, go in and make sure they're breathing because Why are they still asleep?!
    *Note: This only happens on weekdays.
  • Get in the shower - Complete darkness is preferred... due to Jax's new light switch habit I've become an addict.
  • Out of the shower - brush teeth - make up - underwear.
  • If monsters still sleeping - check again to make sure they're breathing because Why are they still asleep?! *Note: This only happens on weekdays. 
  • Dry Hair (sure to wake them up).
  • If only Jackson is up - go in. Hug, kiss, hold, rock ... rinse and repeat.
  • If both are up, I take Juju and Joe dresses Jax. Get as much mushy snuggling in as possible.
  • Dry diap for Jax? Offer up the potty (and new truck, candy, and other assorted bribes).
  • Potty yes? Take Jax, clothes, etc. to downstairs bathroom and sit him on the potty. *Resign to fact I will have to pick out the first thing that's clean to wear because 1). I am STILL in my underwear and 2) Due to potty, there will be no time for appearance consideration, ironing, or choice.
  • Potty no? Get Jax dressed, bring downstairs, put in highchair - hand him milk.
  • Go upstairs and say good morning to the happiest little girl on the planet (in the morning) - Miss Juliet. 
  • Hug, kiss, hold, rock ...  repeat.
  • Dress Juliet. Bring her downstairs and be sure to grab blankies, pacis and whatever else is needed for the day ahead.
  • Feed Jackson (yogurt and toast or yogurt and a cereal bar). Feed Juliet (cereal and fruiting). *Sometimes this occurs simultaneously.
  • Slug coffee.
  • Pour more.
  • Slug more.
  • Bottles (prepared the night before) in fridge bag. Wipe the kids. More kisses, small talk and hugging. and off we go.
  • Jacket, "bu hat", and "cah" sneakers for Jackson while Joe packs up the car.
  • Realize Jax has a poop. Everything off, change diap, everything back on again. "Why didn't you put those in a potty? Did you know if you put those in the potty you will get a new truck?"
  • Run back into the kitch to take something out of the freezer to eat for dinner. 
  • Run out the door hoping to beat the buses up the street.
  • Stop at neighbors before putting Jax in car seat so he can say Bye "(Bah!)" to each and every one of their lawn ornaments.
  • Put Jax in the car first - Car entry order is crucial as we don't want to leave Jax alone in the house for fear of being locked out.
  • Car, Drop off, Go to work.