Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Day in the Life

Good Morning!
  • Wake up immediately going over the day ahead in my mind - are there any changes to the normal schedule? i.e Dr.'s appointments, story time, business dinners, etc..
  • If monsters are still asleep, go in and make sure they're breathing because Why are they still asleep?!
    *Note: This only happens on weekdays.
  • Get in the shower - Complete darkness is preferred... due to Jax's new light switch habit I've become an addict.
  • Out of the shower - brush teeth - make up - underwear.
  • If monsters still sleeping - check again to make sure they're breathing because Why are they still asleep?! *Note: This only happens on weekdays. 
  • Dry Hair (sure to wake them up).
  • If only Jackson is up - go in. Hug, kiss, hold, rock ... rinse and repeat.
  • If both are up, I take Juju and Joe dresses Jax. Get as much mushy snuggling in as possible.
  • Dry diap for Jax? Offer up the potty (and new truck, candy, and other assorted bribes).
  • Potty yes? Take Jax, clothes, etc. to downstairs bathroom and sit him on the potty. *Resign to fact I will have to pick out the first thing that's clean to wear because 1). I am STILL in my underwear and 2) Due to potty, there will be no time for appearance consideration, ironing, or choice.
  • Potty no? Get Jax dressed, bring downstairs, put in highchair - hand him milk.
  • Go upstairs and say good morning to the happiest little girl on the planet (in the morning) - Miss Juliet. 
  • Hug, kiss, hold, rock ...  repeat.
  • Dress Juliet. Bring her downstairs and be sure to grab blankies, pacis and whatever else is needed for the day ahead.
  • Feed Jackson (yogurt and toast or yogurt and a cereal bar). Feed Juliet (cereal and fruiting). *Sometimes this occurs simultaneously.
  • Slug coffee.
  • Pour more.
  • Slug more.
  • Bottles (prepared the night before) in fridge bag. Wipe the kids. More kisses, small talk and hugging. and off we go.
  • Jacket, "bu hat", and "cah" sneakers for Jackson while Joe packs up the car.
  • Realize Jax has a poop. Everything off, change diap, everything back on again. "Why didn't you put those in a potty? Did you know if you put those in the potty you will get a new truck?"
  • Run back into the kitch to take something out of the freezer to eat for dinner. 
  • Run out the door hoping to beat the buses up the street.
  • Stop at neighbors before putting Jax in car seat so he can say Bye "(Bah!)" to each and every one of their lawn ornaments.
  • Put Jax in the car first - Car entry order is crucial as we don't want to leave Jax alone in the house for fear of being locked out.
  • Car, Drop off, Go to work.

Good Day!
  • Arrive at work and eat a bacon egg and cheese
  • Call Pama to make sure everyone is Happy.
  • Work, meetings, call Pama. Repeat.
  • Leave work to meet Pama to pick up kids.
  • Consider what I will bribe Jax with to get him in his car seat without a fight.
  • Having no new toys, begin searching purse for interesting items that might possibly amuse him.
  • Put kids in car, start drive home.... all the while singing the "Blu gaba" "Blu gaba" BluuuuuuuuuuU GABAAAA!" song in attempt to entertain.
Home At Last...
  • Take Juliet out of the car first - Car departure order is crucial as we don't want to leave Jax alone in the house for fear of being locked out.
  • Take Jax out of the car. Say "Hah" (Hi) again to all of the various lawn ornaments.
  • Go inside... jackets, coats shoes off. Jax runs in to get reacquainted with all the toys he hasn't played with yet today.
  • Diaper changes and wipe down for both. Mom runs upstairs (QUICKLY) to remove all work attire and get cozy.
  • Kiss, hold, hug, laugh, play. Repeat.
  • Start dinner.
  • Get bowls out for Jax to start cooking dinner for "Abbey", "Pookie"  and "man mans" (action figures).
  • Feed Jax. Feed Juliet. (simultaneously if need be).
  • Feed Abbey, Pookie and man mans.
  • Set table.
  • Joe and I eat (if possible)... one of us many times attending to a baby who is dying for attention because they know we're eating. *Note: Once dinner is over - our attention is no longer crucial.
  • PLAYTIME! Go downstairs to wreck the playroom. Many times I clean it up real quick so it can get wrecked all over again. Food gives these kiddos some serious energy and this is THEIR time... so whatever they want to do - goes... Duplos, painting, play dough, bumbo, roll around for Juju, get chased and tickled by mommy, soccer with daddy, baseball etc. until around 8:30pm.
  • Take Juliet upstairs and start the bath tub.
  • Jax comes up (toting one or more of his toys, Abbie and Pookie)
  • Kids go in the bath together (WHAT A BLESSING)
  • Playtime in the tub. Jax splashes around and Juliet belly laughs. My most precious moments.
  • Take Jax out of tub with hooded Elmo towel - He runs away.
  • Take Juliet out, change lotion, kisses and tickles.
  • Change Jax for bed, kisses and tickles.
  • If there's still time - A book.
  • Juju's cranky? She goes to bed first. Sing, rock, hold, hug and kiss - Crib.
  • Jax hangs with dad, brushes his "teeeeeeeef" and combs his hair.
  • Bring Jax upstairs, sing, rock, hold, hug and kiss. "Jax are you ready"... With a smile and a nod he's off to get into his big boy bed.
  • Goodnight Sweet Babies. Lord keep you safe. Mama loves you SO much.
  • Bedtime. Quiet. "Mum" and "Da-yee" snuggle on the couch (for about 2.5 minutes until Ma falls asleep).
  • Lay down on the pillow hoping to only get up a handful of times during the night.
  • Sweet Dreams. 
 *Dance party nights differ. We try and play songs with the kids names. Of course, Juliet beats Jackson everytime. He doesn't seem to mind while he's jammin out.

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