Saturday, March 3, 2012

Best Friends

Ever since Juliet was born, I have wondered when I would see a shift - from my kids seeing eachother as competition (for a toy, snack or the most coveted: mommy and daddy's attention) to best friends... or even just friends?.. or even maybe, friendly acquaintences would be nice? Always hoping of course that thier love and appreciation for each other would someday grow into the kind of closeness I have with my sisters.

Then just the other day, after several rasberries (which is the polite way of saying that our precious Juliet was spitting at me), I told the little miss that it was time for her to go to time out. In that instant, Jackson looked at me with sad sad eyes and said, "Nooo Mommy, you can't do that to Ju eeee et.. I LOVE HER. Please please don't take her to time out.. she's my BEST FRIEND!"


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hold my hand

Juliet is a feisty one. When I tell her to hold my hand,  she shakes her head no and says: "eh uh, Juju" and grabs her own hand while running away. Like, "ya ma, fff u"

Monday, February 6, 2012

What color, how many, where is it?

There are three things I know to be true:

1) When asked "what color is ____?" Juliet will say, "blue" (even though she very well knows when it is "rahrah," "geen" or "popul"   And don't dare to challenge her on her answer.  If you do, be prepared for a very serious stare, some aggressive head shaking an stern and emphaphatic, "NO, BUE"

2) When asked how many there are, Juliet will say "TWO!"

3) When asked where something is, she'll say "the cah (car)"...which so happens to be right most of the time....